Online response to Laura Dean-Mooney, MADD National President

Dear Laura,

I am happy to receive the MADD online welcome package.

Our approach @ is to make my sister Laura’s memory matter and our missions are compatible.

Laura died eleven years ago at age 46 after an unsuccessful 25 year struggle with her alcohol addiction. Our website offers hope and help to those in recovery and for those who choose to be proactive and avoid addiction. 260 participants document 3600 collective drug/alcohol-free years on our Sobriety Anniversary webpage. 62 youngsters have pledged to honor their minds, bodies, and spirits and not mess with drugs and alcohol before their 21st birthdays. Joseph A Califano Jr.’s work with Columbia University’s CASA suggests these children are virtually certain of never becoming addicts. Our website averages 30 daily page views from 38 states and 24 countries. We list MADD and CASA on our Sobriety Resources webpage. is the top listing for Yahoo or Google “Sobriety Pledge” word searches.

Please tell all whom you know to avail themselves of our resources. The result will be even fewer folks who create the deadly cocktail of drinking and driving. We’re in this together.

Sincerely, Brad Mersereau